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Free download CLASSIC DOOM with full Crack and Patch

Doom Resurrection has only partially appeased the hunger of the classic shooter that fans of the series expect for months on iPhone and iPod Touch, because the approach chosen by railing shooter by id Software has left a lot to what is the real original spirit of the saga. John Car Mack, however, has finally given the light Doom Classic, the first real remake of Doom for the two devices from Apple that it returns to confront monsters and assorted demons, sixteen years after the release of the masterpiece that would later trigger a genre.


Classic Doom offers thirty-six levels divided into four sections, namely the original three plus a fourth created especially for the occasion, and as early as 1993, also sees the presence of cooperative and competitive multiplayer (Death match classic) up to a maximum of four players, though limited to local Wi-Fi and not, as hoped, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi online (3G was rejected almost immediately by Car Mack for performance-optimal level table).

The graphics have not seen Revolutions of sorts as it was maybe just nostalgic for an operation like this, but the fluidity (even on an iPhone 2G) is excellent, even proposing a rate of displacements of the game and never before seen in a first-person shooter for the two device Apple. Even the most sensitive will find such an excessive speed, so that very often seems to glide rather than run, in our opinion, however, part of the charm of Doom has always been even in his frenzy, and so we welcomed this "excessive" fluidity , which also makes the difficulty of the game even higher than the original title. On this side of the hardcore gamers are still available to four levels and, thanks to the new section of the game, the longevity of Classic Doom can be called satisfactory despite the lack of online multiplayer.


Car Mack chose to make available immediately at all levels, allowing you to play for a few minutes to complete in a single game session, a surprisingly intelligent among other things does not seem to please the vast majority of developers but in the case of Classic Doom, having regard to the absence of a plot and the grandeur never excessive levels, it works fine.

Once you choose your level and set the difficulty, we are ready to fight hellish creatures more popular among the retro gaming, the first impact will be especially pleased with the nostalgic, since the graphical "block" and the soundtrack (complete with the legendary vocal effects of our alter egos) were identical to sixteen years ago, as indeed the weapons, location, the bestiary, the power-up, the doors to open, to find the keys and buttons to press. More than anything else the game was more curiosity in the control system using touch; in the case of another remake of Wolfe stein 3D Classic as Car Mack did not believe at all. This time around id Software has made ​​the center thanks to input from thousands of fans and their proposals on some forums frequented by the same Car Mack.


To control the game because we have three options available, configurable in turn by moving the icons of fire and movement in any part of the display. The first method consists of a single virtual stick to move and rotate the view left or right (it is not possible to look up or down) and an icon of fire, while the second option sees the presence of two separate sticks (one for movement, one for the view) than the usual icon of attack, but the view in the third mode is assigned to a kind of rotates 360 degrees, while the movement is a classic D-pad with four arrows. All three solutions are in fact no particular defects, although our preference is to go first, which is also the only one to allow you to move and look with one finger and make fire with each other, and in other cases, however, the icon of attack has shifted and, while being able to move where the most preferred, to fire is not as immediate and easy.

If desired, you can then activate the lateral moving your device and thus exploiting the accelerometer, but this situation proved to be very uncomfortable and we doubt that the flurry of fireballs, monsters and more chaotic shot at levels many will resort to this solution. Classic Doom for the rest can safely be called a remake of a successful indispensable masterpiece in gaming history, is faithful in all respects to the original, adds some new levels (but do not possess the true spirit of the game with the atmosphere of evil ) and certainly not crazy to be controlled better. And now we just have to wait for Classic Quake and Doom 2 RPG, already announced by Car Mack and early (or at least hope) available on the App Store.

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