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MYSTERY CASE FILES: THE CASE MALGRAVE free download with Full Crack

We have always associated the name of Big Fish Games Casual market with more stringent than those of the puzzle "match 3", of a thousand clones of Diner Dash, and, above all, based adventure games hidden object genres that have made ​​the fortune of actually the publisher of the PC platform. The Wii debut arrives precisely with the number of points in the field of Big Fish Adventure, Mystery Case Files, which have already gone a dozen chapters in six years - all exclusively in digital delivery and some even-edition collectibles.
For this episode, in particular, were "bothered" studies Samara Games, that Ninja Reflex, their second round of Nintendo hardware, home after an interlude in the service of Sony. Obviously it is expected that this chapter is for the Wii at the latest PC, praised for having well mixed sections of finding hidden objects with the broader puzzle of the typical point and click adventure games.


The premise of The Case narratives are not very original Margrave but the story gets more intriguing the way: this Margrave that enlists the help of the player, who plays a famous detective, inviting him to visit his island to help him collect a certain quantity of a miraculous substance, essential to save the life of his wife. The island appears to have been a sort of huge "health club" in the past, but was suddenly abandoned by all its inhabitants, except Margrave, for reasons never explained. Landed on the island, after the introductory movie, it is clear that something bad must have happened: all the indications of an earthquake, or something similar. The landlord immediately gives us a kind of walkie-talkies (shaped like a Wilmot ...) and starts to communicate with the player in a very cryptic, directing very brief summary of the research.

The component to classical adventure Mystery Case Files is based on the exploration of a large polygon scene but you can not move in total freedom: the cursor to indicate from time to time if you can change the screen or look more closely at one area or a single object. As you enter the island, a map can quickly return to previously visited sites, a feature essential because the structure of the game is strong "vitiated" by backtracking. At the heart of the game play are in fact a dozen screens with hidden objects and each of these should be visited several times at different stages of the adventure, while not changing the interior layout of the objects, the list of those to be found is always different - but happens that some repetition, so that the second visit is almost always easier than the first.


Each "collection" is equivalent to complete a certain number of mysterious dust collection - to be deposited in special gadgets - and a new object to the inventory, useful to solve the riddles of the adventure classic. Overall, therefore, the structure is quite diverse, not to mention that even in the scenario explored, there are some hidden items (does not change the cursor hovering over them), as not all essential. What harp, a little 'wings to the game play is rather the lack of a narrative glue between the two components and then make sense to search for objects, especially given that the puzzle "normal" are loosely held in place by history. The repetitiveness of the structure and a bit 'on the end of inevitable frustration but not worsen the overall picture much.

Although the game play tends to cut off non-fans of the genre, the care in building it is still significant and in line with the cost of a game to buy in the shop for more at budget price. The polygon motor is nothing to tear his hair, it is clear, but it is clear artistic sensitivity with which the scene has been recreated, in particular as regards the two-dimensional screens with hidden objects. In the latter sense of depth is recreated with the provision in the various layers of parallax of objects and animations with some small but significant. Very enjoyable even the soundtrack, which makes a perfect accompaniment to explore the island but can count, unfortunately, very few of songs. Last but not least the multiplayer component, implicit in the main mode (anyone can lend a hand to solve the puzzles without the controller in your hand) but also in the form of challenges based on the discovery of hidden objects.

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