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BATMAN: ARKHAM CITY free download with full patch

When I first started to surface details of Batman: Arkham City, especially when it was announced the setting of the game - not the insane asylum of Arkham, but an entire slice of the city of Gotham - here in the Tower are Video game .it also surfaced a few reservations. He was afraid the rest of us, in short, that the structure of free-roaming distorting the balance of the sublime predecessor, drowning the mix of fierce fist fights and phases stealth, exploration by bat-gadgets and puzzles in a sea of ​​nonsense and secondary missions tedious journeys across the map. Fortunately there are only a few hours of play to make us realize that we were wrong.


Free-roaming game, Arkham City is in fact the only up to a certain extent. The map is quite small, since Arkham City is not that a portion of Gotham, a small number of areas enclosed by walls and turned into a prison open. In addition, much of the story takes place indoors, inside huge levels (as the museum or the police station) structured like those of Arkham Asylum. But with respect to the esplanades semi-desert that surrounded the Arkham Asylum in the previous game, is literally on another planet. And not just because they glide from one tower to another or perched on a gargoyle on top of a building does more than Batman, but also because the buildings and streets of Arkham City open the doors to a world of side quests that ) are not at all intrusive, and b) are not there just to throw numbers. But as discussed later, because the main story is so compelling that it is easy to leave everything behind for a moment that acts as a side dish.


Written by Paul Dini, not coincidentally, the American producer and screenwriter known for the popular animated series Batman begins 90 years, history of Arkham City is a ride that grabs you right from minute zero. A canvas without unnecessary downtime and turns, full of surprises and precarious and improbable alliances: who's really behind the creation of Arkham City? Who can really trust Batman? And will, the Dark Knight, to live up to his resolve not to kill anyone? Madman who becomes a roller coaster - for anyone with a modicum of familiarity with the characters of the myth of Batman - a real pleasure, in a swirl of enemies, appearances and "romantic interests" of Bruce Wayne (yes, plural), which pulls in dozens of characters, not afraid to put a mission in a nod to the awesome Batman (the movie with Adam West '66) and closes with a finale absolutely epic. As the epic orchestral soundtrack that accompanies the whole trip, the cutting edge of audio department, which also relies on the voices of the aforementioned board of Batman, both in the original language.

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