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RISEN 2: DARK WATERS free download with Crack and full key

Also because of the sinking of the RPG's official Pirates of the Caribbean , space for a pirate RPG background there is so much, especially when the intention is to explore the fascinating life of the outlaws of the seven seas a little 'more all-round than has been proposed so far.
If we consider then that there are people behind the game that usually chews on it for a long time and seems to maintain a certain type of approach, which aims to preserve the complexity of shades even at the cost of appearing in some ways a little 'too much' old in ", even better, especially when the development for each of the target platforms is receiving proper attention. Risen 2: Dark Warders then sail with high hopes, and, in light of the seen and tasted in a recent press event devoted, even with the renewed approval of Video game it.


The presentation, held by very nice and brand manager for Deep Silver narcissism Daniel Oberlerchner Drolly and Peter, took place showing three different phases of the game, a little 'PC and a little' on Xbox 360, designed to illustrate various aspects of "topical" Dark Waters, then a fourth arcane play directly on Windows systems. The general impression is that we obtained Risen 2 is the result of both the creative impulses of Piranha Bytes as his attentive ear to the demands of fans.

The first and most important consequence of this approach is obviously made ​​for version for the Microsoft console, in the case of the previous chapter was very poor. 360 of the game showed we were still in the midst of a build of the development (there was talk of an alpha), with a frame-rate and a pop-up still to be placed on the bottom, but already in this state, as they Oberlerchner and Drolly pointed out ironically, is a figure of how much better than its predecessor was released in stores. Nothing we have seen instead of the PlayStation 3 version, this format of the series debut, about which we have been given the word of honor that even on that front in the Piranha Bytes is working a lot.

Then the type of experience offered by the game: there are many who have complained in the first RISEN the excessive brutality of the incipit, with an attack of adventure chaotic, just throws the player into the fray without preparing properly. To explain how it is spoken on this issue, the guys at Deep Silver have used the figure of the funnel: while the first chapter started with an open structure fraught with many possibilities and then channel them into a more linear course, happen in Dark Waters exactly the opposite: the clothes taken from the same player, ten years later, the player will initially be pampered for good in Caldera, a city-tutorial, and then be left free to launch an adventure across the seas, in a non-linear.

There are also details more change, however, that end up to be heard in the economy of enjoyment of the game play, like interface, with menus which are now the three-dimensional model of the character, to have immediate feedback of the changes, and the ability to directly compare the attributes of two objects, without requiring more to "save" those of the first.


Another sign of the importance given to community feedback to the presentation that we saw was represented by goblins, enemies in the first episode so much liked to push other people to ask to return in this sequel, possibly making them even more "characters ". Piranha Bytes has satisfied the requirements, proposing now as fellow creatures, that you can look into a lot more knowledge.

Just the encounter / clash of cultures between the protagonist and this race were the pivot of the first portion of the game shown, intended to illustrate is being developed as an aspect of crucial importance for an RPG: the dialogues. We have therefore witnessed a series of entertaining shows both that they saw the star to strive in every way to be understood by a gnome, which would help him to find the pieces needed to build a raft. Facing the conversation moving between different degrees of groped, topped by hilarious burst of star and more hilarious "fuck" used unconsciously by his party, you will be able finally to understand and to venture into the forest with him.

After a quick fight, who has served as a cue to talk about the most important position from NPCs who work alongside us, often during the pirate theme and the concept of crew that follows, we moved to version 360. Here you meander through the village of gnomes and there was a dialogue with several specimens of this species, appreciating the different degree of intelligence and personality of each other, until we reach a kind of shaman a little 'more cultured than others, but also a little 'more arrogant. Between a laugh and the other we have learned that there is a huge monster they fear, and that the protagonist will offer to cut through a lot this full-bodied, but for which there has been much anticipated because it was time to open the next game

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