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FINAL FANTASY XIV ONLINE free download with key

On 30 September the disappointing MMORPG from Square Enix has made ​​its first birthday ... but there is something to celebrate? Judging from the words of Yoichi Wada, CEO of Square Enix, which just a few days earlier had ruled that the mark concisely Final Fantasy was heavily damaged from Final Fantasy XIV, there would be little to be happy. Words, his actions, which weigh a ton because not only the game but also on the shoulders of Naoki Yoshida, who was left with the daunting task of bringing Final Fantasy XIV on track. And you can not say that there is feeling, as we had already told another in our previous article. Beyond the "encouraging" expressions of Wada, players of Final Fantasy XIV can now look to the future with renewed hope, not only to apply the changes introduced with the arrival of patch 1.19, but also for the unexpected announcement through a letter from the official site addressed to the fans, a total "revamp" of the game, that will transform it - at the end of 2012 - Final Fantasy XIV 2.0. But let's go in order, because the transition from the current 2.0 version of the game and will be punctuated by a series of patches, but especially from the return, starting from next month, the monthly subscription.
The handout requested to players, will return in force not only in recognition for their efforts so far by the new development team, but also to finance the enormous work required to bring the game to the standards required for a title "Triple-A ". In practice, for nearly a year FFXIV was free because its conditions were not such as to make it a paid product, now, even if its terms, however, still do not reflect standards appropriate to the series, fans will have to pay. A risky choice, right now, many continue to attend the game as free and have to see how many consider the current Final Fantasy XIV worthy of their money, knowing then that in a year will be completely overwhelmed. It must be said though that has not been made ​​official the amount requested for your subscription, we only know that users are still active will receive by mail information on.


The 1.19 patch will be perhaps the most important era Yoshida amount of upgrades, but will be remembered for the introduction of Cocobolo, who, rather than means of transport are a true icon of the series.

The cocobolo can be rented (as in FFXI), paying an amount proportional to their level, to use about ten minutes, after which they disappear. Or, if they satisfy the requirements, you can become happy owners of a permanent Cocobolo male - let us know at the time the developers have yet to enter the female - which will give you a name. Along with cute yellow chickens, to facilitate the movement were also built airships, linking the main cities.

Moreover, in the name of simplification, have been eliminated physical levels , attribute and elemental points to take the more practical "level," reported the level of its class (instead of "rank"), while the "experience points" replace "skill points", thus normalizing the related statistics, and their growth. Son were also adjusted the experience points you earn by eliminating monsters and substantial changes came for the crafting system.
As far as the contents, if you already with the previous patch (which had introduced the car for another attack) had been instance included two groups of level 25 and 45, now plays the card Yoshida another icon of the saga: Frit.

In the game were in fact implemented two battles, one in the normal version be faced for a party of four players level 30 and a hard mode for eight players from level 50 to access them, you must complete the introductory quest related. Of course, we questioning the fact that it is a single meeting or that you have to wait five minutes before engaging the boss in the event of failure, but it is still of Final Fantasy and an anomalous situation with developers working on a front to adjust the game, introducing new content and simultaneously work on version 2.0.

In fact, the game has been enriched by new dungeon for players level party sizes from 15 (Shipshape) and 45 the addition of new side quest, including a series of missions related to the Grand Company. These are what we would call a normal MMO "factions" are the defense forces of the three city-states of Eureka, and associate with one of them can, through this, to move up in rank and get "seal" to be exchanged with objects or equipment. In more with 3,000 seal can also purchase a license to use the personal cocobolo. Affiliated to the Grand Company also provides access to the new mission of "Caravan security", which plans to escort and defend a caravan from marauding Cocoons and monsters. In short, all you can say except that the new development team is asleep on its laurels and also from the point of view of communication and contact with the community things seem better. If all this is enough to revive the fortunes of the game remains to be seen this time and the announcement of the reliance is a double edged sword: on one hand frees the current players, the other is likely to remove them to return when it comes out version 2.0.

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